Terms of service
In order to use piclog, you must agree to the following rules. A user not respecting these rules will have their account removed and will be banned from the service. The general rule is to be nice, friendly and respectful to anyone and their status.
Racist, bigoted or otherwise hate speech is not permitted. Status Cafe is an inclusive place that will not tolerate anyone promoting hateful ideas and language.
Illegal activities such as promoting malware, phishing or publishing something that promotes content that infringes copyright, patent or trademark you do not own is not permitted.
Pornographic content is not allowed.
Spamming, including unsolicited advertising isn't allowed. While it's perfectly fine to talk about your projects and link them, using Status Cafe only as a way to drive traffic to an external site isn't allowed.
Harassing, bullying, picking on a user isn't permitted.
Revealing information (doxing) from a user isn't allowed.